Welcome to the Divine Feminine Receiving Journey…

A 12 week journey to awaken your inner magnetic power of manifestation, to feel safe to receive all the love and magic the Universe has for YOU and to effortlessly manifest your dreams…

If you desire to feel held, loved, adored, supported, taken care of by life, FREE to express yourself and your creativity, to simply BE…

The Secrets of Divine Feminine Receiving journey is a heart-centred, nurturing and intimate transformational experience. This is for my intuitive women who are ready to let go of the hustle and surrender into the loving arms of the Universe to bring your dreams to life.

If you resonate with this journey, you are tired of trying to figure it all out yourself because YOU ARE AN EMBODIMENT of the divine feminine.

There’s nothing wrong with your manifestation abilities.

You aren’t blocked or unable to create your dreams…

You just were NOT designed to worry about the ‘HOW’.

When your divine feminine is uninhibited and free to express herself completely, you will feel:

🧲 magnetic
🌸 connected to divine intuition & guidance
🥰 loving, genuine friendships and a network around you
💜 open-hearted, love flowing through you
🙏 trusting of life, and others
🌊 relaxed and regulated nervoous system
❤️ deeply fulfilling and intimate romantic relationships
⚡️ vital life force energy, lit up
🤲 held, supported, nourished, supported
💡 full of fresh ideas
🐍 electrifying kundalini energy (originates in the root chakra)
🌀 in-tune and very sensitive to sensations in your yoni and womb space
💞 experience deep and intense pleasure

When your divine feminine energy is wounded and oppressed, you will feel:

🚧 blocked in life
🖤 fear of abandonment & rejection
😵‍💫 unable to connect to clarity; frazzled, overwhelmed, stressed
💔 blocks in your heart chakra and difficulty expressing and receiving love
🚪 lack of intimacy and depth in romantic relationships
😴 tired, drained, lethargic
🕯 burned out from trying to figure everything out yourself
💪 like you have to take care of yourself
😣 anxious and unsupported, always worrying about the future
😢 alone and isolated, like you don’t have a strong network to support you
💥 blocks in energy flow through the body, stiffness, pain
☯️ pain and dis-ease in your reproductive organs, womb space, ovaries, yoni
😖 painful sexual intercourse

This high-frequency channelled journey is for women who are ready to change the trajectory of your life and experience everything your heart desires simply by BEING.

This is what comes naturally when the divine feminine is awakened and embodied.

We are in a movement of society where women are being conditioned to reject the masculine and become self-sufficient.

We are taught that it is ‘bad’ to allow ourselves to be taken care of and rely upon anyone - or anything - to support us.

This comes from generations of wounded masculine patriarchy oppressing and shaming the divine feminine.

It comes from a misunderstanding of the TRUE divine masculine aspect of the Universe and within us.

So we fear relying and depending on life… in case it isn’t there for us.

We have lost trust.

Trust in the divine flow.

Trust in the magic of the Universe.

Trust for all our desires to be given with no conditions.

Allowing ourselves to receive effortlessly.

The secrets of Divine Feminine has been an EPIC journey and I’ve experienced some profound transformations in my life. I LOVE the combination of channelled wisdom, where I’ve had so many ah-ha moments and activations which have cleared deep blocks and left me completely blissed out. I feel so much more peaceful, trusting and able to receive, and my relationship with my partner has definitely improved. I've also received massive insights into my business and have a clearer path forward. Thanks SO much Jey ❤️

Caroline - permaculture designer & intuitive gardener

Secrets of Divine Feminine Receiving Journey

This is a 12 week self-paced journey to gently heal your feminine wounding and awaken your inner true divine feminine power to create effortless manifestation and receiving in your life.

This journey was born from my own experience of divine feminine awakening, after being completely in my wounded feminine and over-compensating wounded masculine for all of my life.

All I wanted was the SPACE to explore my joy, express my creativity and simply BE.

Can you relate to the below story? 👇

When I look back now at how in my wounded masculine I used to be; I hardly recognise myself.

I always assumed very masculine roles; in relationships, in work, in my life.

I was taught never to rely on anyone and always be independent so that I never end up in trouble and unable to look after myself. Always be self-sufficient.

And so I was.

I needed control in everything I did.

I didn’t trust anyone and I was afraid to get too close to anyone, for fear they would leave. I was self-sufficient and independent.

I worked demanding corporate jobs as a Marketing Manager & Head of Corporate Communications for a string of male-dominated technology enterprises.

I wasn’t open, vulnerable or trusting in my romantic relationships and as a result, I attracted a series of karmic connections with very closed-hearted, avoidant and unsupportive men. My heart was closed; so I attracted unloving, closed partners.

I did everything by myself. I hustled. I forced. I made it happen. I didn’t understand what it felt like to be deeply supported.

I manifested everything I wanted through sheer force; but I didn’t even realise I was EXHAUSTED and my nervous system was activated 24/7.

I had many health issues and I was on the contraceptive pill for 16 years which disconnected me from my natural energy cycles and my body… so I had ONE mode - SURVIVAL.

I was manifesting what I thought I wanted; but it was from my ego, not my heart. I wasn’t tapped into my truth.

Unsurprisingly… eventually, I became completely burned out from being in such a forceful energy.

I suddenly realised how completely unfulfilled I felt from my unloving, disconnected relationships and I realised I had been swimming upstream for so many years while not getting any closer to the connection, love, fulfilment I was seeking…

When I realised something had to change… I started channelling guidance on how to awaken the divine feminine.

To open my heart, allow love in, allow myself to be unapologetically myself. To feel safe, loved, supported and provided for, by the Universe.

I spent years, healing my wounded feminine, understanding the true divine masculine, balancing my energies, awakening my truth.

I learned how to tune into my body and understand my energy cycles…

And then it all changed…

The more we awaken our true divine feminine; the more we sink into the loving arms of the Universe and dance with the flow of life.

The less we worry, struggle, force.

The more we receive, allow, life comes to US.

This is my favourite gift to awaken and activate in fellow divine feminines, because when you allow yourself to be who you truly are; you are healing generations of women and invoking the mystical power of the divine feminine that has become lost and misunderstood.

The power of magnetic attraction.

The power of deep intuitive connection.

The spark of creativity, inspiration; potential.

The intoxication of the raw, enchanting desire of the feminine.

Life becomes a pleasure.

Awakening and embodying the Divine Feminine is an art form.

In the Secrets of Divine Feminine Receiving Journey, you will access all the secrets of this new way of life, including…


“After my first year working with Jey, I had made more money from music than the previous 13 years COMBINED. Ironically, I’m no longer attached to the money aspect. Instead, I focus on having fun and trusting that I’ll be supported. Just this summer, I was gifted an opportunity to train as a “real life mermaid,” swimming around the magical cenotes of Tulum, completely carefree. When I came home, my first music royalty check from BMI publishing was waiting for me.

I always say experts teach you how to hustle for what you want; but MASTERS teach you how to receive. Jey is an absolute master. I went into this journey trying to figure out her manifestation blueprint, and instead she taught me how to find my own. I can’t tell you how empowering it is to know I can tune in and receive the exact guidance I need, whenever I need it. And I never would’ve had access to that part of myself without Jey’s help.”

The truth is… you ARE the divine feminine in all her glory.

This is your natural state of being.

You are potent, magnetic, powerful, sovereign.

You have simply forgotten who you are.

Forgotten your Queendom. Your sovereignty. Your inner Goddess.

When we think, feel and act out of alignment with our natural energetic architecture; life becomes clunky, stuck and awkward.

When you awaken your divine feminine power of your pure heart and soul… life flows through you.

You become a vessel for joy, passion, pleasure, love.

You become the chooser and the commander.

Imagine feeling supported, held, loved, protected and provided for in all that you do.

Imagine being free to express your creativity and be in your joy.

Life really is this beautiful when we ALLOW it to be.



Who am I, to guide you??

For those who don’t know me; I am an intuitive channeller and energetic alchemist. My gift is accessing higher perspective, and foresight; to look deep into your subconscious and past experiences, to the CORE reason you are creating the reality you live… before alchemising these unconscious thought forms into LIMITLESS POTENTIAL.

I have always been able to see into others’ minds… and it is my greatest joy to be able to share this to help powerful souls like you to awaken your inner Goddess, remember your soul power of creation and step fully into your SOUL PURPOSE.

I am also a singer songwriter and a channel for light language and music! 🥰 🔮 You can read some letters of gratitude from my soul clients here.

This journey is for intuitive divine feminines who are ready to:

 🌸 Activate your unique inner power

  ✨  Enhance your intuitive abilities and connection to the divine

  🌸 Allow yourself to be taken care of by the Universe

  Become more in tune to life, nature, the elements, the Earth

 🌸 Gain deeper soul remembrance and come home to the truth of who you really are

 Feel more connected to the almighty Universe and activate your inner I AM presence

🌸 Revel in the beauty of life and experience more joy

Activate your receiving mode to feel more abundant

🌸 Activate and open your heart chakra to allow more love into your life

Experience deeper pleasure and passion

🌸 Awaken deeper connection in your relationships


You can read & hear many more stories on my testimonials page.

“Honestly, I keep saying this to people, but it is by far the best work I have ever done for my spiritual connection to myself and source.”

— Karena Singh, Australia




Join the journey today for just one payment of
$333 USD.


Join the journey today and receive a complete GIFT bonus folder with all the channelled practical exercises you will need to manifest effortlessly, plus a SECRET QUESTION activation PLUS secret bonuses…
Value $400 - Yours FREE

Throughout this journey, allow your body, mind and soul to align to your natural state of flow, creativity, alignment, inspiration, joy, abundance. Awaken your inner Goddess, Enchantress, Queen, she who commands and receives.



How will I experience the journey?

Once you have joined the journey you will receive an email with login details to access the portal where all the activations and content will be hosted. Each week, a new activation will be unlocked and you will receive an email notification telling you it is ready to experience!

How long do I have to complete the journey?

You will receive “lifetime” access - i.e the lifetime of the journey. For as long as the journey exists; you will keep your access to it, so you can re-experience the activations as often as you desire!

How do the activations work?

In each activation, I am channelling higher consciousness while connecting into your energetic field. I am clearing old and limiting energy while integrating new higher perspective into your energy field and rewiring your subconscious.

How long are the activations?

Each activation varies, usually between 60-90 minutes. The length of time is not linked to the effectiveness or potency of the energy transmission.

How can group activations, be personal to me? How does that work?

It’s a great question, and I LOVE the answer!

We as humans, are interpreting information. Information is energy. We are energy. The human language was developed as a way for us to understand each other in the 3D. Before our known English language was developed; how did we communicate? Sounds, symbols, our telepathy and mind to mind communication was also stronger. We still have access to that now, but we’ve forgotten how to use it. This is how two people can finish each other’s sentences, understand each other without saying a word even. So, when I am channelling a frequency; the frequency will affect the receiver in whichever unique way it is supposed to. For example, if we introduced a chemical to a different chemical, it would have a reaction and form a new substance. But if we introduce that same original chemical to an even different chemical… a different reaction and different outcome would be achieved. Your consciousness and perception is all there is. Your perception is unique, and your perception is creating your reality. Therefore the way in which you receive these frequencies is unique to you. 

How often do I have to experience the activations?

You can listen just once - or multiple times! The energy is shifted in the first listen; however you may wish to listen repeatedly for the soothing and magical effects the music has on your state of being and your mind!

What are the benefits of the activations?

Firstly, your energetic blocks are being cleared out of your field. Secondly, your subconscious is being rewired from limited perspective to limitless higher perspective. Thirdly, your frequency is being raised. The cells in your body literally recalibrate to the energetic shifts. Alongside this, you are becoming more limitless, remembering your connection to source, aligning more closely to your truth and your destiny and awakening your true inner divine feminine essence.

How can I ask questions?

Unfortunately this is not a personally mentored journey - otherwise it would be much higher in cost. The price point is accessible and the content is pre-recorded, meaning you listen in your own time. If you are seeking personal mentorship, feel free to check out my Work With Me page for more options on how we can co-create magic in your life together. I will not be able to answer emails or messages with specific questions about this journey - please note it is entirely self-guided.

Do you offer refunds?

I don’t offer refunds. Everything I do in my work is channelled and highly aligned with my beautiful soul clients. Spiritual ascension is a personal journey. Please only join this journey if you are drawn and you feel the call from your higher self. Upon joining the journey, you agree to this experience and are responsible for full payment.

I am very excited to guide you on this beautiful journey of awakening abundance.

Are you ready to awaken your true Goddess power and effortless manifestation? Let’s do it!!